On 2 December, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office (SPO) welcomed a group of journalists from the Western Balkans, including from Kosovo and Serbia, to the new premises of the court in The Hague. The visit was organised and facilitated by the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) as part of a visit to various tribunals in The Hague. In the course of the day, representatives of the KSC and the SPO spoke with the journalists.

The KSC Registrar, Dr Fidelma Donlon said, “I was pleased to welcome journalists from the region to our premises today to talk about the establishment and work of the KSC Registry in providing the support to ensure safe, secure and fair proceedings. I was also very happy to receive their valuable feedback about KSC communication with journalists. Responsiveness, transparency and accuracy in dealing with journalists remains central for the KSC when communicating with journalists.”

The premises of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers include a media centre where press conferences will be held with simultaneous translation into the three languages of the court, Albanian, English and Serbian, as well as a space where journalists will be able to work once proceedings have begun. In addition, proceedings will be streamed via the KSC website in all three languages.

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Specialist Chambers