Judge Kai Ambos, Judge on the Roster of international Judges of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, has been selected as Amicus Curiae to the Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace, the Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP), together with nine other foreign jurists out of 77 applicants. The JEP was created by the 2016 peace agreement signed between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). The Colombian Transitional Justice framework includes a truth commission, a commission for investigating disappearances, a criminal investigative unit and the JEP which has two organs: the Tribunal para la Paz (Tribunal for Peace) and the Salas de Justicia (Justice Chambers). The JEP is mandated to investigate and adjudicate crimes relating to the conflict in Colombia that lasted for more than five decades. The JEP consists of Colombian judges with the possibility of the participation of foreign nationals as so called Amicus Curiae, who are international legal experts and who may provide advisory opinions to the two organs of the JEP. Judge Ambos was selected to the Tribunal for Peace.

President Trendafilova congratulated Judge Ambos on his selection and stated: “The appointment of Judge Ambos as Amicus Curiae is a cogent token of his highest expertise, professionalism and integrity and a recognition of his unconditional commitment to justice.”

Judge Ambos was appointed to the Roster of International Judges of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers on 7 February 2017. Judges on the Roster of International Judges shall only be present at the seat of the Specialist Chambers at the request of the President of the Specialist Chambers and may work remotely and undertake other professional activities that do not compromise the ability to be assigned by the President.

Specialist Chambers