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E.g., 01/09/2024
Monday 26 August, 2024 16:30

Thaçi et al. trial adjourned for today/new witness tomorrow (27 August)

Following the completion of Skender Zhitia's testimony, today’s hearing in the Thaçi et al. case is adjourned. The trial will resume tomorrow, 27 August, at 09:00, with the testimony of another SPO witness.

Monday 26 August, 2024 10:00

Thaçi et al. trial: SPO calls its 80th witness

Skender Zhitia is the next witness for the Prosecution, whose testimony commenced this morning. As per the Prosecution's summary in court, the witness was a member of the KLA in the Llap operational zone during the relevant period. He later authored a book on the military history of the KLA in that zone. This is the 80th witness called by the SPO in court.

Thursday 22 August, 2024 17:15

Registrar appoints Rodney Dixon as Veseli’s new Lead Counsel

As per the Trial Panel's decision in the Thaҫi et al. case that we informed about yesterday (21 August), the KSC Registrar terminated the services of Ben Emmerson and appointed Rodney Dixon as the new Lead Counsel for Kadri Veseli.

Here is the Registrar's notification.

Thursday 22 August, 2024 14:45

KSC Weekly Press Briefing on 22 August 2024: transcript

Here is the transcript of today's KSC Weekly Press Briefing.

KSC Spokesperson Michael Doyle

the archive of all previous press briefings is available on this page and the video files can be found on our youtube channel 

Wednesday 21 August, 2024 17:30

Thaçi et al.: Panel approves withdrawal of Ben Emmerson as Kadri Veseli’s Counsel

On 21 August 2024, the Trial Panel in the Thaçi et al. case approved the termination of Ben Emmerson's role as Kadri Veseli's Counsel. Both Veseli and Emmerson agreed to this decision, leading the Panel to approve the termination due to good cause. The Panel was also satisfied that the continuity of Veseli’s representation will be ensured and that the change of Lead Counsel will not result in any delays in the proceedings.

The decision will take effect once a new lead counsel is appointed and the KSC Registrar is invited to take all necessary steps to do so as soon as practicable.

More details in the decision.

Wednesday 21 August, 2024 17:15

KSC Weekly Press Briefing on 22 August

Another KSC weekly press briefing will take place on Thursday, 22 August, at 14:30. During this briefing, the KSC Spokespersons will provide a short update on the latest developments in the judicial proceedings before the KSC, as well as on other public activities of the Court. Journalists will have the opportunity to ask questions. Pre-registration is required to attend each briefing. To pre-register, please send an email with name and affiliation to [email protected]. Deadline for pre-registration is every Thursday at 12:00. The Zoom details will be shared following pre-registration. Recordings of the update provided during the Weekly Press Briefings will be made available on the KSC YouTube Channel.

Wednesday 21 August, 2024 10:45

Thaçi et al. trial adjourned for the week/resumes on 26 August

After the completion of the testimony of SPO witness W03871, the trial in the Thaçi et al. case has adjourned for the day and the week. The proceedings will continue on Monday, 26 August, at 09:00.

Wednesday 21 August, 2024 09:45

Thaçi et al. trial: witness W03871 resumes testimony

This morning, the protected witness W03871, the Prosecution’s 79th witness in court, continued the testimony that started yesterday.

Tuesday 20 August, 2024 13:30

Thaçi et al. trial: Russell completes testimony/new witness takes the stand

The testimony of Steven Russell was completed today, after which the SPO called its next witness. This is protected witness W03871 who, as per the SPO's summary presented in court, joined the KLA around March 1998, served at multiple locations providing training to KLA soldiers and acting as a Commander.

Tuesday 20 August, 2024 09:45

Thaçi et al. trial: witness Russell resumes testimony

The testimony of Steven Russell, the Prosecution’s 78th witness in court, resumed this morning. After being cross-examined by the Thaçi and Veseli Defence yesterday, the Selimi Defence is currently cross-examining the witness.