
Live Update

Pjetër Shala case: Defence to file appeal brief against Reparation Order by 14 March 2025

On 12 February 2025, the Court of the Appeals Panel granted a request by P. Shala Defence for an extension of the time…

Hashim Thaҫi: decisions on request for temporary release available online

On 31 January 2025, Trial Panel II and the Pre-trial Judge denied a request for temporary release on compassionate…

Thaçi et al. trial: third day of witness Selimi’s testimony

SPO witness Syleman Selimi continued his testimony today. He is currently being cross-examined by the Veseli Defence…

Thaçi et al. trial today (12/02): hearing to start at 11:00

The start of the hearing in the Thaçi et al. case this morning, 12 February, is further delayed and is now set to begin…

Thaçi et al. trial: start of hearing this morning (12/02) delayed

Please be informed that the start of the hearing in the Thaçi et al. case this morning, 12 February, will be delayed and…

Thaçi et al. trial: Witness Selimi resumes testimony

The testimony of the SPO’s 121st witness Sylejman Selimi resumed this morning.

Thaçi et al: 121st SPO witness in court

Following the completion of the testimony of the witness W00542, the SPO called Sylejman Selimi as its next witness…

Thaçi et al: SPO calls its 120th witness

New SPO witness is W00542, whose testimony is conducted via video-link. As per SPO summary in court, this witness and…

KSC Weekly Press Briefing on 6 February: transcript

Here is the transcript of today's KSC Weekly Press Briefing.

KSC Weekly Press Briefing on 6 February

Another KSC weekly press briefing will take place on Thursday, 6 February, at 14:30. During this briefing, the KSC…

Victims' participation

P. Shala: Video of trial judgment

KSC Outreach



The Kosovo Specialist Chambers offers visitors and journalists the possibility to attend public hearings from the gallery of the courtroom. Accredited journalists may also use the media room to work during breaks or closed sessions. 


The closing date of our latest Call for Contributions (CFC 2-2024 – internship) was 27 November 2024. Related recruitment and selections are currently ongoing. Please visit our site regularly for future opportunities.